Wednesday, November 12, 2008

those crazy women...

or should i say womyn, they are very feminst type women, strong willed in their desires and wants. but that's not what this is about. let's talk plot. so these men, the spartans and the athenians are at war with eachother. and the women don't like this so they decide to abstain from sex and force the men to give up the fighting. sounds logical, right? at the start of the book, i thought that probably wouldn't work but as the book went on i noticed how the men were faultering in their ways and really needing the women to handle their handles. haha. the plot comes to a head at the top of the main conflict when the men finally decide to give in. the rising action would best be seen through the koryphaois and the men/women chorus. they decpicted what was going on with the men and the women and in a interesting way. i liked the choruses and the koryphaois a lot. they said in song form what all the rest of the men and women were thinking. the falling action would be after they all agree on "peace" and go off and party and be merry and have sex with their women.


Anonymous said...

Honestly I didn't think this plan would work either when I first began reading. I thought it would be the women giving into the men, but it was the other way around, which is a change from what we usually hear. The plan was very effective, but only because the women decided to remain faithful to the oath they took. It was a surprise when the men gave in and decided to end the war after one day...

kosekesh said...

first, i wanna commend u on the use of the "y" second i think the "handle their handles" was a great pun! i's have to disagree with the idea that the womyn being strong willed isn't what this is about though, i mean really, isn't it their will to end the war that not only gave the book the plot but also ended the war?